

Your support is greatly and humbly appreciated.

or contact our office directly at: 604 – 596 – 7937

or by email at: info.ca@reachacross.net


Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.

Note:  “All gifts are tax deductible.  Gifts designated for a specific project or ministry will be used as specified with the understanding that if the project or ministry is fully funded or cannot be carried out for any reason, our board will seek God’s direction and apply these funds to another pressing need.  Spending of funds is confined to Board approved projects and ministries.”


A few miles can go a long way!

If you wish to receive a ReachAcross Air Miles points card, or would like further information, please contact: info.ca@reachacross.net

If you wish to donate your points to the ReachAcross account call Air Miles at 1-888-247-6453, or contact them at their website:

Our Airmiles number is: 84021260744.

Please Note: Points transferred to ReachAcross are not eligible for tax receipt. This is NOT a credit card, but only a free reward points collector card.

Join us in prayer – there is much to accomplish

Your financial gifts help us to share the love of Christ with Muslims around the world

Get in touch – we would love to hear from you

Join in our global work

Donors may direct their contribution to the project/ministry that they wish to support by including a note with their donations or by contacting the ReachAcross office by telephone at (604) 596-7937